Saturday, 28 July 2007

تحولت إلى الإسلام

أثناء تجوالى على الشبكة العنكبوتية وجدت إحدى المواقع التى تحتوى على عدد لا بأس بة من اللقاءات مع أجانب أشهروا إسلامهم بعد 11 سبتمبر لاسيما أمريكيون
الموقع إسمة muslim’s blog
يمكن المشاهدة الكاملة من هنا

Monday, 2 July 2007

Human rights invite me

Human rights invite me to London

Although i'm not famous person & also i'm not at all actively in human right's aspect, i received by e-mail an invitation to preparing some seminar about "the effects of Information Technology to youth in Middle East Area".

"Press on the pic to maximize"

Some bosom friend in Egypt who told them about me, because he knows my ability of this topic preparing. may be he is right, may be i've the material, may be he trust in me, but i'm not sure if that possitive or negative.
otherwise, the foundation's e-mail is wondrous , also the telefone number not available. anyway i'll try to do my best, i won't lose anything, they will pay & i'll live with some friend in London.
shall i or not? still irresolutely.